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George Carey Church of England Primary School home page

George Carey Church of England Primary School

A Christian School For All

Contact Us

School Trips

Re School Trips



Dear Parents/Carers


We understand that the cost of living has risen sharply in the last 3 years and that many families are struggling to make ends meet.


With the above in mind, as a school we understand that having one trip or event each term for each year group is very hard to fund, both from the schools point of view and the parents. As a result, many trips are underfunded and have caused the school a degree of financial difficulty too.


We have decided to slim down the annual calendar of trips, and we will be sending classes on one main trip per year. We will do our best to keep the cost of this trip down to a minimum. We will send parents an amended trip schedule for the year in due course.


If you have already paid towards trips in advance, the school will be refunding this money shortly.


Yours sincerely,




Chris Harrison




George Carey
Church of England
Primary School

A Christian School For All

Contact Us

Rivergate centre, Minter road, Barking, IG11 0FJ

Telephone: 0208 270 4040
