Home School Agreement
The agreement sets out the school’s commitment to your child and the action parents should take to support us. We take seriously our responsibility to offer your child a good education and so the agreement also outlines the school’s roles and responsibilities and contains the key principles, rules and expectations by which the school operates.
The school will:
Provide a balanced and stimulating curriculum suitable to meet children’s individual needs and challenge them to be successful.
Continually strive to keep children safe and protected from harm.
Encourage the children to be honest and truthful and make a positive contribution to the school.
Inform parents of the children’s progress at regular intervals.
Inform parents of any injuries or distress suffered by their children.
Report to and consult with parents regarding concerns about their child’s work, behaviour or attendance.
The family will:
Ensure that children arrive at school on time and is collected punctually.
Ensure that children attend school regularly, telephoning the school before 9.30 am on the first day of any absence and providing a letter of explanation upon their return to school.
Attend parents’ evenings to discuss my child’s progress.
Work with the school in support of behaviour and homework policies.
Ensue that the school has up-to-date contact phone numbers.
Ensure that children are dressed in the school uniform and has appropriate outdoor clothing.
Treat staff and other parents and children with respect.
The child will:
Follow the golden rules at all times.
Listen to others and respect their feelings and beliefs.
Be kind and considerate and help others when they are in need.
Get help when they need it.
Do my best to work hard and make progress.
Take pride in their work.
Complete their homework on time.
Contribute to being ready for school on time.
Be proud of wearing the school uniform.