Welcome to George Carey ARP
George Carey ARP is an Additional Resource Provision for 18 children with a diagnosis of Autism (ASC). All of our children have an Education Health Care Plan and children are allocated spaces in the ARP through the LA SEN Panel and not by the school or via school admissions.
The ARP is highly structured and each child accesses a curriculum tailored to their individual needs and ability, using targets acquired from our assessments. The curriculum is carefully planned to help motivate the children to learn, making use of interests and learning styles. Children have individual targets that are incorporated into everyday teaching across the learning environments including mainstream, outdoor provision and home.
It is recognised that children in the ARP need access to a wide range of learning opportunities and not just the academic skills. Children need teaching and learning to cover social interaction, communication skills, emotional regulation and sensory regulation techniques. It is also important that children are taught life skills, particularly those that will keep themselves and others safe.