School Parliament
Our School Parliament
George Carey Church of England Primary School Council has a very effective School Parliament. A group of pupils are elected by their peers to represent the views of all pupils and to improve their school. The School Parliament meets, once every two weeks, to discuss current issues and new initiatives. These may include how to improve school lunches, behaviour around the school or ideas for fundraising events.
Members of the School Parliament will be responsible for carrying out the ideas that have been agreed upon, such as: what to spend fundraising money on; improving behaviour or planning new playground activities.
Being a school parliamentarian is a really responsible job and as George Carey CofE Primary School Parliament every member has a key responsibility of sharing information with their class and they are responsible to bring key issues to the table as discussed by class members.
What is our School Parliament for?
The School Parliament is about:
- Learning how to play a positive role model in our community
- Improving our school for everyone
- Working and learning together
- Learning about democracy
The School Parliament’s job is to involve everyone, not do everything. Everybody needs to help by:
- Finding things that they would like to change
- Finding ways to make things better
- Putting their ideas into actions
Work done so far:
- So far we have discussed Enrichment and which clubs we want our school to run.
- The School Parliament actively work with the English Lead in promoting Writing across the school by making posters and collecting writing pieces from classes.
- We have run a design a Gingerbread person competition which raised £100. Some of the money will be used for prizes for the winners and the rest of the funds will be used to buy reading books about characters of colour.
- The School Parliament is working alongside the Behaviour working party to provide a pupil voice in the review of the Behaviour policy, this is a very important piece of work.