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George Carey Church of England Primary School

A Christian School For All

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Music Curriculum

Purpose and Aims

Music is universal, cultural, and individual. At George Carey School we believe that every pupil should have the opportunity to receive a high-quality musical training in school, regardless of attainment, or background. The aim of music education is to help pupils to achieve a personal level of understanding, appreciation, and passion for music and to encourage children to be creative, caring, and enthusiastic members of our school community. In line with the National Curriculum, we provide a range of opportunities for children to perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians. Music and the voice are an integral part of the human experience. The national curriculum also details that pupils should learn to sing and to use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and with others, have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, use technology appropriately and have the opportunity to progress to the next level of musical excellence.


Organisation of the Curriculum

The Music Curriculum at George Carey School is drawn from the ‘Kapow’ scheme of learning which has been adapted and enhanced according to the needs of our pupils. The scheme has been supplemented with driver music subjects from the Cornerstones Curriculum in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 and the teaching of an instrument in Year 5 which covers all strands of the National Curriculum.  This creates an exciting and dynamic curriculum with a breadth of coverage and ambition.  Extra curricula Clubs and peripatetic lessons help to broaden the horizons of pupils. 


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2



Christmas Production





Year 1



 Easter Production

Easter Production



Year 2







Year 3







Year 4: Jays







Year 4: Kingfishers







Year 4: Herons







Year 5







Year 6







Essential Elements

Every child will have:

  • An understanding of performance skills and practise using the voice and a variety of instruments
  • An appreciation of the cultural, historical and popular implications of music
  • Opportunities to attend high quality music performances including Musical Theatre in Year 6
  • Opportunities to learn an instrument in further depth through Music Hub peripatetic lessons
  • Greater self-confidence through performances throughout the school year.



Our teachers follow the planning created for the Kapow Scheme of Learning and adapts it to the needs of each class. The music scheme of work provides resources to support teaching of music skills including CPD videos and specific content sessions are offered by the Specialist to support teachers in the Teaching & Learning of music.



An ongoing assessment system is embedded within the scheme of work's programme of study. Each unit includes a number of 'assess-able' outcomes, presented in the format “working at” and “greater depth”. An accompanying progression of skills document supports the assessment process. 

Teachers use formative assessment throughout their teaching of units and throughout performances in lessons and sharing of compositions; this informs them and then allows them to make intelligent adaptations to their short term planning.



Schools within Barking & Dagenham are involved in the use of a Music Hub who provide whole class instruments. This includes Drumming to year 3 and Clarinet to Year 5.  Along with peripatetic specialist music lessons, a variety of music enrichments are planned into the curriculum including concerts, assemblies, singing and keyboard clubs and collective worship experiences.

Unit Overview

Long Term Plan

*All units have 5 lessons unless stated

*Links with Topics made where possible


Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4


Exploring Sounds

Music and Movement

Musical Stories

Big Band

Year 1

Pulse & Rhythm

(Theme: All about me)


Musical Vocabulary

(Theme: Under the Sea)

Timbre and Rhythmic Patterns

(Theme: Fairytales)

Pitch & Tempo

(Theme: Superheroes)

Year 2

African call and response Songs

(Theme: Animals)

Orchestral Instruments

(Theme: Traditional Stories)

Musical Me

Myths & Legends

Year 3


Developing singing technique

(Theme: Vikings)

Pentomic Melodies & Composition

(Chines New Year)

Traditional Instruments and Improvisation

(Theme: India)

Year 4

Body and tuned Percussions

(Theme: Rainforests)

Changes in Pitch, tempo and Dynamics

(Theme: Rivers)

Samba and Carnival sounds and Instruments

Adapting and Transporting Motifs

(Theme: Romans)

Year 5

Composition Notation

(Theme: Ancient Egypt)


South and West Africa

Composition to represent the festivals of colour

(Theme: Holi)

Year 6

Advanced Rhythms

Dynamics, Pitch and tempo

(Theme: Fingal’s Cave)

Theme & Variations

(Theme: Pop Art)

Composing and Performing a leavers song


*For Progression of Knowledge & Skills-See Progression Grid




Progression of Knowledge & Skills

Year 2: Beat, Bang, Boogle-Samba Drumming Workshop

Year 5 Clarinet

Year 4: Adapting and Transposing Motifs-The Romans



George Carey
Church of England
Primary School

A Christian School For All

Contact Us

Rivergate centre, Minter road, Barking, IG11 0FJ

Telephone: 0208 270 4040
