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George Carey Church of England Primary School

A Christian School For All

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Nursery Topic information

Communication & Language:

We will be discussing about the holidays, what the children did during their time off. We will be looking for at local landmarks such as school, shops, bus stop, flats, park and what can be done in these places. We will look at maps exploring the meaning of adventure linking to a range of texts during the term, and places of adventure that the children have been and what they did there. We will also talk about the Chinese New Year



We will be looking at a range of texts during this term. We will be exploring stories such as ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ and create our own maps to find an animal. We will be reading ‘The Littlest Dinosaur Big Adventure’’ and explore places we can go for adventure. In phonics, we will be learning some new phonemes and engaging in activities to build our phonic knowledge.



We will be starting focus on numbers 3-5, as well as consolidating numbers 1 and 2. We will be focusing on subitising, 1:1 counting, compositions of numbers and looking at shapes with sides that link to the number of the week.


Physical Development:
We will be developing our fine motor skills through sensory play, as well as starting dough disco. This will help support the development of our muscles in our hands, ready for name writing and mark making.

Religious Education:

We will be exploring different religious stories and fables using our Spirited Play story box focusing on Islam. We will also be talking about and celebrating Chinese New Year!


Personal, Social and Emotional Development:

For PSED this term, we will be focusing on our emotions and what behaviour links to our emotions and what we can do to support our friends. We are also going to be looking at using kind hands and feet as we recap our class rules.


Understanding the world:

To understand the world around us, we are going to be looking at our local area and creating maps of familiar places. We are also going to find out about Chinese New Year and take part in celebrations and activities linked with the festival.


Expressive arts and design:

We will be creating different pieces of art based on the stories that we will be looking at. We will be creating a dragon dance to celebrate Chinese New Year.



Nursery visited Discover in Stratford

 Learning about our community!



George Carey
Church of England
Primary School

A Christian School For All

Contact Us

Rivergate centre, Minter road, Barking, IG11 0FJ

Telephone: 0208 270 4040
