Harvest Food Bank Appeal 2022
As part of Harvest Festival at George Carey, which we celebrated just before half term, we would like to support our local food banks in Barking by donating as many items as we can.
We are asking pupils to donate an item, more if they can, to support the most needy particularly as we move into the colder months. We appreciate that times are tough and you may not be able to help but if you can that is great.
The items the food banks are in need of are:
body wash
sanitary products
baby milk
tinned food like tuna, fruit, soups, custard
dried food like couscous, noodles, rice
jars of cooking sauces like curry, pasta bake
biscuits and treat foods like crisps or snack bars
tea, coffee, sugar
long life milk
Please take send your child in with donations to their class, where their teacher will add to their Harvest displays.
Should you need support from a food bank please take a look at the link.
Thank you all so much.
Mrs Baldock.